Friday, July 8, 2011

The Spirit of Maintenance Activity

Never changing attitudes of ours are detrimental to the day to day maintenance activities of aircraft. The essence of line maintenance lies in continuous maintenance process and faith in each others completed job rather criticising to undermine one’s capabilities to perform job and malign him subsequently.
Most of the incidents/accidents do occur during the shift change; is known to all of us. This is the most sensitive period where job of relieving of outgoing Engineers/technicians are of critical in nature and to be handled with care. Here it requires an experience and knowledge of our bosses to whom he is asking to relieve. He should also issue a clear instruction to the engineer who is taking charge of an aircraft while going to relieve a person that what he should do and what not.
Lack of clear instructions creates conflict when the relieved engineer failed to deliver his job in shift transition. He must be instructed either to complete the job and then move away or he must brief that what are the items left for the inspection and the same must be accepted by the engineer taking charge of the aircraft without any argument as he has resume the duty.
Working at T-3 brought many changes by default and reporting in time to our shift is one of them unlike Palam. The problem of getting relievers at remote bay at Palam are the story of past, getting the reliever in time is not an issue now but we still reluctant to change our mindset and hesitate to own the responsibility.
For a good maintenance practice in our industry we need to grow up, take a good care of job done by younger or elder, discuss the mistakes that committed will not be repeated in future rather the act of criticising even if the intention is not bad and yes; that is the spirit of maintenance.

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