Saturday, December 17, 2011


People who blessed with power over the period forget that never things last in this universe forever and so the power too. God was kind enough to a soul who was entrusted with power to help those who are deprived of many things in life by means of the beholders of power. One can say it is God who connects to the deprived one in the society through him.

Power always associated with proud and this finally causes to commit mistake one after another to pull a powerful person back to ground. The cycle goes on. No one escapes from this cycle. Neither KANSA nor RAVANA was escaped in past.

Power/energy flows from high potential to low. Potential energy at higher level never survived for a long and it tries to vanish at the lower level as early as possible.

This is true to every person and one forget what he does is not going to last forever.

Powerful person must realise that it is a phase which has a certain time factor associated with it. In another term; one can say power is a function of time and it last for a longer period if power is used prudently for upliftment of people who are dependent upon him.

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