Sunday, October 6, 2019


Installation of WATER COOLER at our Guardroom

We are proud to share a very good news that our society
is moving towards in a truly form of an institutions which is diversifying it's role by providing pure water through RO and a new entrants in this series is a brand new NEW WATER DISPENSER
donated by one of our residents.

The name of our donor is kept undisclosed on his/her personal request.A tiny effort of providing a clean water to our guests;visiting our premise and the service providers is just a drop in ocean towards welfare of society.

We are working towards installation of this unit soon as the laying of pipeline and it's foundation work in progress.

Today(dated 21/10/2019) the Water Dispenser was put in service to our society and it's Guests/visitors and service providers after completion of ancillary work related to make it functional.

On similar lines, few residents are also donating *Sanitary Napkins*
to maids working in our society every month.

We are also in contact with an NGO who will provide us *deep fridger* for storing excess foods(like chapattis and vegetables) which will be packed and be stored in deep freezer for further disbursement to the needy.

Ban of single use of plastic
Our society is participating in minimising the use of plastic by promoting our residents to carry Bags from home while they are going for marketing.

If they forget to get one,they can collect biodegradable bag from our Guardroom.

Sorting out wet & dry Wastes
at our doorsteps are being pushed but still we have not got the success.We are hopeful of getting a breakthrough soon.


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