Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Airframe Vibration and use of Vibration Reporting Sheet

Vibration reporting Sheet is a useful tool in the hand of Line maintenance engineers. This must be very handy and easily available with them as and when the snag is reported in outstation.

You can always ask captain in command after your preliminary investigation to fill up this reporting Sheet while in flight and request him to submit this after landing to Engineering Crew for detailed investigation and rectification.

C/O TSM TASK 05-50-00-810-050-C and it's corresponding TSM Task of Type 1 to Type 15 as per the DECISION TABLE

It is to be done in three steps:-
(1) VIBRATION REPORTING SHEET to be filled up by John Pilot
(2) Vibration reporting Sheet to be analysed by Engg crew and rectification to be done as per Decision Tree
(3)if the Vibration source is not identified by DECISION TREE; Go to Decision Table.

Follow the example as under and related TSM Task as above.
Based upon pilot reporting Sheet,use the decision tree and if it is not sufficient;go for DECISION TABLE as under.

Shade the entire area of each row as per observation by pilot in reporting Sheet.

Add columnwise the weightage value.Find out the maximum values in the final rows which corresponds to a particular task as per TSM.

Take the Corrective action for the  snag as per the Task in AMM.
