Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Earth Day 2020

World observe April 22 as a EARTH DAY to raise awareness about the importance of a CLEAN,GREEN and HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT FOR human well being and to encourage everyone for taking +ve action in addressing challenging environmental issues.

No doubt that present global lockdown has given earth an opportunity to reset herself on all the aspect in saving the earth on its all front let it be Carbon emissions, maintaining greenery or reducing pollutions; all done automatically during this global pandemic but it needs to be followed on permanent basis.

One can feel the difference of Climate change during present day Lockdown.
The effect of reduced emissions,low noise,Clean and Green environment are self explained.

Let us pledge at least ONE or TWO intiatives on individual level to reduce unnecessarily usage of products which are directly derived from natural resources which we can't create such as:-

(1) Minimise the wastages of WATER as the depleting water level is next threat of mankind,


(2) Minimise the use of PAPERS as much possible as you can- use clothes napkins instead of PAPER ONES,


(3)Reduce Noise level
and let live the birds around us,this also reduces human stress and strain,

(4)Use Clothe Bags  instead plastic one


(5)Increase the
use of Rechargeable Batteries
for daily regular usase instead using dry cells,


(6)Reduce fuel consumption at individual level

Pledge and Adopt at least any of above in your life which will be a great help towards saving  earth climate.


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