Wednesday, June 8, 2011

AEROBRIDGE at Varanasi LBS Airport

New airport at Varanasi was inaugarated on November 14,2010.This airort was build up with two aerbridge facility.Inspite of many sincere effort this was still lying idle uptill June 7,2011.
Recently a contract was signed between Jet Airways and ground handling agency INDO THAI to use the Aerobridge and pushback of Jet airways aircraft.
On 7 th of June,Jet Airways Delhi bound flight was parked at the Aerobridge.With the opening of this facility,Varanasi LBS Airport became the 1st one in UP,India to boast to have such facility.
Ironically,The contract between Jet airways and Indo thai just lasted for One day and today Aerobridge was not used.

No other operator has opted this facility so far for their own reason.

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