Sunday, June 19, 2011


..........After my Exile
After a considerable gap of 18months and on my arrival after exile, I was asked to do a flight duty to Muscut(Ironically MCT became my pre and post exile flight duty). 

This was a surprise to me that still we have few sectors where we fly out of Delhi.

This reminded me of our olden days of IA where everyday many of us either fly to Singapore, Bangkok, Kualalumpur, Dubai Doha, Behrain and Sarjah or doing 15 days postings. 

Lot of activities were there at the backdrop of this, Many man hours were wasted for maintaining the records of engineers who and when one has done flights and postings, heated arguments were seen in our rest room. The first thing everyone love to do is that one used to give a glance on the board in front of our SI where name of AMEs on flights were listed. It used to be the 1st topics of discussion of the day. Those who were not on flight keep criticising others whose name appeared on the white board. Next day the same person was seen going on international postings. Ames on flight when joined other day for his usual shift kept avoiding his colleagues as he was guilty of doing flight duty. All such activities come to stand still.  

Earlier we were busy talking about carrefour of Dubai, nightlife of Bangkok ,its famous PATAYA beaches and various types of massages offered there at cheaper price and so on. No more marketing in these Malls, no Rambutan or guava (fruits of Bangkok), no hot spices, dry fruits, & 24 carat gold from Dubai and Sarjah famous souk etc. 

Life has changed a lot since then, this reminds of olden days when we purchase chocolates from our local shops. There was a time when our kitchen shelves were full of foreign made chocolates. Now forced to buy Munch, Amul and other Indian made cadbury chocolates from our local market equating its taste to of those once purchased in foreign Malls.  

Everything has changed since last 365 days. Ergonomics of today’s work place are of international standard compare to those where we struggled for years to rectify the leakage of toilet water adjacent to our SI room which keep on spilling to AME rest room giving a stinking smell. Later on we became used to of this smell which is missing at T-3 though we are trying to leave no stones unturned to make T-3 like our Palam hangar. No potable water nearby, waiting in sun to be dropped at distant bay which often causes delay of our flights due our late arrival to the remote bays in the absences of conveyance.

Our rest room to central theme of our discussion’s topics too changed. Topics of share market's loose and gains, registration of new plots, flats etc has taken a back seat where we just keeping nerves on changing dates of payments of our salaries. People silently being seen logged in theirs mailings site for any news, no more discussions, and no heated arguments were seen at rest room but we still need to be changed.

Flight duties were real threat of our integrity. We never think beyond this in past. This is the time to or introspection. Better concentrate and focus on faults what we did in past. This is the time to reset & re rack our computers to clear all the warnings if it has stick to MCDU, Scan all our system pages, review PFR for our failure messages, discuss,& refer our TSM transparently .In the process of rectification if it require to replace Master computer,  replace it until the system test is satisfactory.Own some extra responsibility and do something expeditiously to regain our lost glory before it is too late.

Let us start afresh with zero-zero hours to bounce back for sure. 

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